亲爱的, 你是正数, 我便是负数,我们都是有理数,天生一对!
亲爱的, 如果婚后我做了无理的事,也是有理的吧?
如果你是东半球, 我便是西半球, 我们结合便是整个地球了.
那那那...地球不就只剩我们两个? 那多荒凉啊!
如果现实是今天, 历史是昨天, 我们相爱, 昨天和今天就结合在一起了.
只有昨天和今天, 那我们的明天在哪里?
你是夏天的星星, 你是春天灿烂的彩云,
如果你是阴极, 我是阳极, 我们结合便能产生爱情的电!
吓死我了, 我不敢靠近你,我怕触电!
人是富有感情的高等动物, 我向你求爱, 你一定会接受的, 因为你我都是地球上高等的动物!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Posted by Racheal at 2:59 AM 0 comments
genting is so much fun.....
this monday(15/12),
I went 2 genting with my family. We go up 2 the hill by cable car. We take almost 15 min 2 reach there. My dad bring us 2 indoor theme park. But only my bro play. After that, my sis, cousin n i buy ticket 2 go in "believe it or not". There is many funny things inside, that u can't believe.
In the theme park, i saw my old classmates. But i forgotten his name...
My dad went in 2 the casino. He very dare loh!! He use RM 600 2 gamble. Lucky he win. so, our journey 2 genting is free... haha!! He is too happy. So, he bring us 2 eat crab. The dinner really expensive.
At night, we know that Awarna has karaoke. So, we go n find. But very bad loh!! FULLY BOOK. So, we hav 2 go 2 the game room.
the next day(16/12),
We wake up early in the morning. We hav 2 eat maggie mee as our breakfast. After that we go 2 the outdoor theme park. we play flying coaster, roller coaster, pirate ship....
When it is evening, we go home...........
Posted by Racheal at 2:45 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
New sport shoe... haha!!
2day, i juz went petaling street...
very long time no go liao loh!!
i, my sis n cousin go there by my uncle car.
we go there because we want 2 buy a new sport shoe...
4 wat?? hehe... i can't tel cause it is a secret...
shop by shop still can't find a sport shoe tat i like.
very sad loh!!
my leg is too big
sumtime saw the sport shoe tat i like
but..... can't wear it....
y my leg so big??
but at last i FOUND!!
haha!! very happy!!
i like it n it oso suit me...string different colour??
actually i buy new string..
i put it together..
nice sport shoe??
might 2 giv me some comment??
Posted by Racheal at 6:30 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
New haircut.... ok?
got people say suit me loh!!
but i think too "胀"
must comb properly only nice loh!!
hope u giv some comment on my hair.....
Posted by Racheal at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Posted by Racheal at 6:06 AM 2 comments