set alarm 8.30...i thought is quite late 2 wake up coz everytime olivia reach my house around 8.15...i was shock when i woke up, didn't see olivia. wait 4 a while then xnq come...everytime go out, my dad sure be the driver loh!! haha...who cal his car is red is juz like a taxi driver!! this word, he evrytime talk de.
around 10 a.m, v reach pavillion...
v bought twilight~new moon tickets. at 1st, v wan watch 11.30 de, no gud place, so change 2 12 o'clock...xnq n oli didn't eat breakfast, so v go 2 the food court, they eat carrot cake n i juz look at them...wuwuwu~ so kesian!! actually no la!! i ate my breakfast...
the movie start late, be4 start the movie, v were wondering tat v walk in the wrong room coz the room almost full of malays...xnq ask, if start malays show, how?? but v confirm tat twilight is in room 2 arr...btw, the movie start, n prove tat v're right...quite nice la!! but i prefer the previous twiligth...this movie got some part a bit discusing loh!!
after the movie, v were hungry...but v won't eat in pavillion coz expensive, so v hav 2 walk 2 times square 2 get our lunch...walk here walk there still can't confirm wat 2 eat at laz, i suggest v eat fast food~wendy...some funny thing happen!! i broke my forks becoz i cut the burger but they say i 'm too hungry so broke it...omg!!
i cut the burger until the paper...
then v pass by a fish spa shop... oli n i want 2 try but xnq dun wan loh!! then xnq wait 4 us loh!! i scare of the ticklish feeling, so i keep on raise my leg up n down...the fish scare of me loh!! the fish is bigger be4 the fish eat our dead skin... this prove tat our leg hav many dead skin!!
v sit monorail go back home as usual...
[Story End]
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